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Welcome To SpiceIslandQueen
Your Relationship Healer

~ Clients Choose Me Because ~

They need a confidant. Unlike the Barbershop talk, they need and want the unyielding support from an unbiased person like Me, that they can Trust, and that is why they pour their hearts out to me (and pay me good money) rather than confide in someone they know.  I am Committed to seeing my clients attain their sexual success, and overcome any shame they may have surrounding their sexuality.   Secondly, They love my approach of using the Japanese method Kintsugi to fix their Broken Marriage/Relationship. I am an Expert in Affair Crises.  My areas of expertise are dating, marriage, breakups and divorce, I like to keep up-to-date with the latest research on relationships, clinical counselling  (how to reignite passion in your marriage) your Union.   Broken CAN be fixed into something more Beautiful than the original. #healingrelationships 

Why Choose Me? ~ I Love Helping You Achieve Your Goal

I love what I do! 

Let’s work together In A Coaching Session, Together We Will:

  • Determine  your challenges and the goals you wish to achieve
  • Brainstorm new ways of thinking and doing things differently to achieve your goals
  • Develop a realistic plan that is attainable, measurable and specific with target dates

Identify your vulnerabilities, strengths and level of commitment

BABY STEPS ~ everything takes time

  • Determine goals and changes you wish to achieve
  • Brainstorm new ways of thinking and doing things differently to achieve your goals
  • Celebrate victories and trivialize failures, and learn from both
  • Develop a realistic plan that is attainable, measurable and specific with target dates
  • Identify your vulnerabilities, strengths and level of commitment
  • Make adjustments as warranted to the situation.



Here are many variations of passages of lorem Ipsum available.

Total: 3 Courses View all

1 Lectures
Do you feel stuck in any area of your life? Are you too scared to take the appropriate steps to advance your relationships? 1.) Set  achievable goa...
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Are you in need of a New Toy try

My First Jack Rabbit $68.00 My customers #1 pick. Jack Rabbit, It’s pretty, ultra pleasurable vibe that’s absolutely perfect for first timers, the First Time Jack Rabbit is simple and…...

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What’s Your Fantasy Baby

Well, A fantasy is made up of dreams and imagination, especially things that are unrealistic or improbable is unlikely to happen. Great news, A fantasy is also a pleasant situation or event that

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Must Have ~ The Non-Negotiable

Before you entangle a New Relationship, one of the most important things to do is establish a list of non-negotiable, this list is vitally important In the direction your New Relationship…....

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My 7 Tips On Alchemy Relationship

What is the true meaning of alchemy? Alchemy is defined as the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained…....

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