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The Color Of Domestic Violence.

Domestic Violence has no color it can it can and does occur amongst all race, ethnicities and socio-economic status

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Abusive Relationships: A Guide to Prevention and Intervention

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is an extensive, serious issue, both in the United States and around the world. Also referred to as “domestic violence,” or abusive relationships, this problem affects millions of people each year. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, about 20 people experience physical violence from an intimate partner every minute of the day, which amounts to roughly 10 million cases of abuse each year.

Though it is common, IPV is completely preventable, and no one ever needs or deserves to experience violence from a romantic partner. Actually preventing IPV, however, can be incredibly difficult. This issue doesn’t just stem from the choices of individuals who perpetrate domestic violence; it’s a societal problem that requires significant changes on a larger scale. To effectively end the issue of IPV, individuals, families, medical professionals, and communities need to know about different strategies and resources for prevention and intervention that are available. Source link below with more information:

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