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My First Jack Rabbit $68.00 My customers #1 pick. Jack Rabbit, It’s pretty, ultra pleasurable vibe that’s absolutely perfect for first timers, the First Time Jack Rabbit is simple and…...
My First Jack Rabbit $68.00 My customers #1 pick. Jack Rabbit, It’s pretty, ultra pleasurable vibe that’s absolutely perfect for first timers, the First Time Jack Rabbit is simple and…...
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Well, A fantasy is made up of dreams and imagination, especially things that are unrealistic or improbable is unlikely to happen. Great news, A fantasy is also a pleasant situation or event that
Before you entangle a New Relationship, one of the most important things to do is establish a list of non-negotiable, this list is vitally important In the direction your New Relationship…....
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What is the true meaning of alchemy? Alchemy is defined as the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained…....
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What define Kingship and Queenship? Does our character matter?,
This is a segment of The Uncomfortable Conversation, and last night’s discussion was on Toxic Femininity
In this video, We’re having open conversation on Toxic Masculinity, and who benefits.
As a Sexologist I found this article to be very interesting #relationship and full of knowledge. Therefore, these are some of the issues that we as Black women are facing…...
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What are fibroids? Fibroids are small growth and tumors made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develops in the uterus. It is estimated that 70 to 80
Ladies are you uncomfortable by what’s left in your vagina after intercourse. Well here’s the dripstick, Its the first after-sex clean up product of its kind. It’s a sponge made
The Porn Industry Has A White Supremacy Problem. Meet The Couple Working To Fix It This story was taken from HuffPost Their purpose is to provide representation for
Crave 1, To ask for earnestly : beg, demand 2, To want greatly : need b : to yearn for 3, To have a strong or inward desire I was craving french
Conversation with John Nachlinger, from Divorce Shield a FREE Men’s Divorce Support Community as we discuss; What is a sexologist? How to build intimacy, Special room just for you and
In conversation with Maurice Marbury on Relationship Comparing relationships now and then. Question, what made our grandparents/parents back in the forties, fiftees, and sixties last in comparison to today’s
As the world undergoes economic, and social shift, more of us are feeling drawn to raise our standards in our relationship, as well as in our intimate relationship. Our understanding
Do Tall Women Date/Marry Short Men? Some Do, some Don’t. Some Won’t, Some Will, Some Maybe, I Have. While speaking in the general, I’m also speaking from personal experience. As
When you embrace your sexuality it means feeling comfortable and confident about who you are sexually, and that does mean you have to have a lot of sex or act
This is just a sad situation all around, I am not sure about this one. She’s messy. I don’t know who to believe” Listening to Majah, youtube response the relationship
Domestic Violence has no color it can it can and does occur amongst all race, ethnicities and socio-economic status Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Abusive Relationships: A Guide to Prevention
If you’re like me and have not yet come intune with your gray hair, here is some facts from Web MD. Science of Grays Your hair follicles have pigment
I Saw the article, and thinking to myself as a Sexuality Healer, with racism on Boldly blazing fire more than ever, it would be good to see the affect racism
Alpha Male Characteristics You can become alpha. But first you need to know what an alpha male is. The problem most men and women that want to be alpha face
I got flowers today. It wasn’t my birthday or any other special day. We had our first argument last night, and he said a lot of cruel things to me
Resources – SpiceIslandGirl LIFE LINE: Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, have a tremendous impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity. As such, early experiences
Here I am, under a shelter-in-place order, as I’m sure most of you are too. However, even before the order, I started distancing myself and limiting interactions with others, not
What is Peyronie’s disease? Peyronie’s (pronounced “Pay-ROH-neez”) disease is caused by a plaque under the skin of the penis that results in a bent, or curved penis when erect. A
My girlfriend masturbates after we have sex. Why? I have been in a relationship for nine months. I thought the sex was good for us both, but when we finish
When the Cause of a Sexless Relationship Is — Surprise! — the Man By Jen Gunter, New York Times News Service Monday, March 19, 2018 | 2 a.m. There are
How PrEP, the pill to prevent HIV, may be fueling a rise in other STDs . PrEP, some called it a “party drug.” “Truvada Whore” Boris, the college student in New
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